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…because sometimes half is not enough.


„Today I am feeling much better than I could have ever imagined at the start of my heart failure therapy. I feel fit and well. Berlin Heart made it possible for me to survive the waiting period for a donor heart; it is the reason why I am still able to be with my family today.“

Due to severe heart failure, Matthias (43) was dependent on biventricular heart support.

With the help of the Berlin Heart EXCOR® Adult BVAD the difficult time until heart transplantation was bridged successfully.


Find exciting details about this case in our current case report: www.berlinheart.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Berlin_Heart/Bilder/10_Medical_Professionals/Case_Reports/Case_Report_EXCOR_Adult_BVAD_M.H._ENG_final_01.pdf


Or watch the film that tells Matthias’ story: youtu.be/4IddTmbRtjY